Preventive Orthodontics

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Preventive Orthodontics

Space maintainers

If a child loses a tooth prematurely a space maintainer may be necessary to maintain the space of the lost baby tooth until the permanent tooth comes in. The procedure is simple and painless, similar to the placement of braces on the back teeth.


Normally top teeth should cover the lower teeth. When the child bites in the reverse way, it is called a crossbite and needs to be corrected to allow a normal grow of the jaw. Correction is done using removable or fixed orthodontic appliances and patient needs to be checked periodically for evaluation.

Thumb sucking

Children should stop sucking their fingers or use a pacifier approximately at the age of 3. If the habit continues then the jaw is affected and the orthodontic treatment is inevitable. When the patient is ready to stop the habit but needs a reminder, an appliance can be placed to help the patient through this procedure.

Ectopic tooth eruption

Sometimes, permanent teeth may be blocked by baby teeth and an orthodontic appliance may need to be placed to allow normal eruption of the tooth.